Does Dollar Cost Averaging Work? Or Is It Just Another Marketing Gimmick?

As investors, we want to have minimum risk and, while doing so, maximize our returns. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is an investing strategy that many investing gurus will suggest for new investors. In…

What's worse as an investment- Tesla or Bitcoin? It's like the difference between a flea and a louse

Looking for something outrageously fun to do tonite? Educational, hilarious, and illuminating.  Warren Buffett gets all the attention but Charlie gets the laughs at the annual Berkshire Hathaway…

How much of my retirement savings can I spend every year after I retire?

How much of my retirement savings can I spend every year after I retire? “How much should I save to have a comfortable retirement?” -  This is one of the biggest questions that perplexes individuals…

Selling Volatility

Selling volatility is a unique way to enhance portfolio returns.  We have been doing this for years by selling puts in stocks we would want to buy.  The way we accomplish this is fairly simple. We…

Rule #1 Don't Lose Money Rule #2 Don't Forget Rule #1

This may be the most famous of all of the famous Buffett aphorisms. With his dry sense of humor, Buffett Says Rule #1 Don't Lose Money, then he quips, Rule #1 Don't forget rule #1.  One of the things…