What is an expense ratio? How does affect me as an investor? How do Mutual Funds and ETFs differe in expense ratios and trading capabilities (like a stock or days end)
February 10, 2022ETF's,Mutual funds,investors,#fund assets,#Expense Ratio,#ExpenseEducation
What Is an Expense Ratio and How Does It Affect Investors?
What is a Black Swan Event and what were they over the last 50 years
February 3, 2022#Financial Crisis,#Wall Street trader,#equity markets.,#global investment,#inance and investingEducation
Infamous Black Swan Events in the Recent Past
by Harvey Sax
John Bogle: The Man Behind the Vanguard Group and Index Investing
January 18, 2022#stockmarket,#financeplanning,#Investmentstategies,#legacy,#Vanguardgroup,#indexfundEducation
Born in 1929, John Bogle was a pioneer in the world of investing. Bogle attended Princeton University and completed his senior thesis on mutual funds, which laid the groundwork for his extensive…
An Overview of Benchmarks and Return Metrics
January 13, 2022Stock,investments,financial,#earning,#Advisor,#benchmarkEducation
If you’re new to the world of investing and still get confused by the terminology, then this article is just for you, as today we will be talking about what benchmarks are and why they’re so often…
Consider These Long Term Effects Before Selling Your Home
January 9, 2022home,buying,financial,Selling,#strategy,#propertyEducation
If you’re hesitant about selling your home because you’re not sure of the effects it will have on your financial situation, then this article is for you. Outlined below are three of the most…