Stock Market Performance by President

S&P 500 Performance by President | MacroTrends

Impeachment,Democrats, Republicans- how will it all play out in the markets?  This app by MacroTrends shows you what happened in the past. “History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes,” as Mark…

Does Dollar Cost Averaging Really Work?

Statisticians have long held out that people's aversion to losing money makes them choose illogical or mathematically wrong choices when it comes to investing. I always thought dollar-cost averaging…

Black Swans Suddenly Sighted in Large Quantities on Island of Taiwan

South China Sea: Beijing preparing to INVADE Taiwan, says US intelligence Mainland halts trips to Taiwan by individuals Foxconn Founder and Presidential hopeful takes a stand on ‘Republic of China’…

Looking for a Financial Planner? The Go-To Website Often Omits Red Flags - WSJ

Many people seeking a financial adviser begin their search at, a directory operated by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards Inc.The Board, which controls the CFP label…

Wait for the fat pitch

Rules for Serious Investors by Harvey Sax of Alpha Wealth Funds

When I decided to become a professional investor, I was already a very experienced one. I had been a stockbroker, somewhat of an investment banker, an institutional salesperson, and the founder and…