How much should risk on any one idea or stock position? Sector exposure?

Investing in the stock market is inherently risky. There are countless factors that can impact stock prices, from economic trends to corporate decisions. As an investor, it's important to manage your…

How to raise financially responsible children

Raising financially responsible children is one of the most important tasks that parents can undertake. Financial literacy is a key life skill that can set children up for long-term success and…

What is the real interest rate? What does it mean? What were market returns like when real rates were positive, negative?

The real interest rate is an essential concept in finance that measures the inflation-adjusted return on an investment. It is the nominal interest rate minus the rate of inflation. For example, if…

Is Life Insurance Tax Free?

Life insurance is a valuable financial tool that provides financial protection to your loved ones in the event of your untimely death. Many people choose to purchase life insurance to ensure that…

What are Veterans biggest challenges with retirement planning?

Retirement planning is a crucial aspect of financial planning, and it requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure a secure and comfortable retirement. Veterans, who have served in the…

The Folly of the Fed

The Federals Reserve's hawkish about-face with its monetary policy will do little to rein in inflation and potentially worsen it. It will certainly cause immediate harm to many people looking for…

An Overview of Benchmarks and Return Metrics

If you’re new to the world of investing and still get confused by the terminology, then this article is just for you, as today we will be talking about what benchmarks are and why they’re so often…