Inflationary Periods in the United States

Their Causes and How to Prepare Inflation (the increase in prices of goods and services) is big news lately and a worry for many. However, if it remains in check and not severe, inflation is…

What is an Inverted Yield Curve and What Does it Mean for Investors?

The market is constantly changing. Stock prices go up and down, interest rates vary, and new investment types are emerging all the time. It's impossible to predict what the future will hold. However,…

The Pros and Cons of Roth IRAs versus Regular IRA

Saving money for retirement can seem like an overwhelming task. With dozens of different options for savings and capital growth, it’s easy to get confused about which one is right for you.…

What Does a Balanced Portfolio Look Like?

Many people tend to shy away from investing because they do not want to deal with the unpredictable nature of the markets. However, it is possible to mitigate that volatility and achieve more…

Does Dollar Cost Averaging Work? Or Is It Just Another Marketing Gimmick?

As investors, we want to have minimum risk and, while doing so, maximize our returns. Dollar-Cost Averaging (DCA) is an investing strategy that many investing gurus will suggest for new investors. In…

One Step Closer to the End- Another prominent regulator warning about Cryptocurrency

  It's unlikely that the U.S. Government is going to suddenly shoot down Bitcoin because it's gotten too big and it is approaching accident level.  The Feds don't want to disrupt a nascent…

Bitcoin may or may not be the Currency of the Internet- but it's Certainly the Currency of Crime

How Hackers Bled 118 Bitcoins Out of Covid Researchers in U.S. Transcripts reveal University of California at San Francisco’s weeklong negotiation to free its ransomware-locked servers. The haggling…

What's worse as an investment- Tesla or Bitcoin? It's like the difference between a flea and a louse

Looking for something outrageously fun to do tonite? Educational, hilarious, and illuminating.  Warren Buffett gets all the attention but Charlie gets the laughs at the annual Berkshire Hathaway…